Hello girls!

I'm Annie and I'm building a website that you guys know how to reach your target.

My website allows you to ask how you gonna reach your target.

And it just allows girls that from 10 to 16 years old.

And we just do stuff like girls stuff and I'm gonna sale 50% for people that ask what you gonna have to do about phone.

The first reason that I create this website is I see that every girl about my age that always wanted to have their own phone.

The second reason is I'm 11 years old now so I know how it feels like when you really really really really wanted something but in 3 years you still cannot have it.

The third reason is I know that when you're like from 7 years old to up if you want something you gonna have to pay for it with your own money.

The fourth reason is every girl that I've met tells me that they wish they'll have their own things like bedroom, make up stuff, phone, and a lot more things.

And they wish if there is a company, an app, or a website to advise what they're supposed to do to get what they wanted without doing anything.

My workers can tell them if they should make a little conversation with their parent, or give them a reasonable reason, or they should convince their parent with a convincing reason depending on each person's situation.

And at last, thank you for reading about my future website I promise when my website come to live, you guys gonna be these people who work for me and get pay good, or these people who know about it first, and know about when and how my website was started, and maybe you guys gonna be the special members some day.

Thank you to you all that support me all the time and I will sale 50% for first 10 people become special members or use my website and help us have our first income and help us have motivation to continue my website for everyone to know it.

Thank you so much :)


This is my picture section

A random picture
Lorem picusm

This is my shapes section!