Hi, Parents

I am making a website to baby sitting your kids.

I hope you find this website helpful when it goes live.

I know taking care of kids is hard especially if it is your first kid.

I have a lot of experience because I am the oldest of 3 kids.

(My brother and I are long distance).

I am always baby sitting my sister at 10 years old.

I don't worry about how much money you pay me.

I care about your child and your child only.

I know how to cook and clean since I have much experence.

I only want to be payed $5 an hour.

If you want to you can leave a tip for me.

Many questions will be asked for your kids safety.

I guarantee your kid will be in great hands with me.

I will always come on time and tell you when i'm booked.

Usually I may not be booked but if I am please be patient.

I can baby sit ages 1-5.

Even though I am only 10 I am still mature and can handle the responsibility.

I can eather clean or baby sit.

Having 1 sibling that I baby sit most of the time gives me enough experience.

The things that I can do are limited.

I can take care of kids or clean but I can't do both.

If you want me to do both that will be a $2 fee.

You can trust your kids safety with me.

Now let's baby sit.

💗 💗 💗


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