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Frequently Asked Questions

Girls Code Savannah is designed for young women in 5th ‐ 9th grade within the Savannah Chatham County Public School System (home school students included). However, we welcome all genders to attend our girl-focused camps and classes.

Whether you're a beginner or a coding master, you're invited to join the Girls Code Savannah movement.

Thanks to our generous donors, sponsors, and partners, all Girls Code Savannah camps & classes are 100% FREE!

Our 2024 sponsors and partners include the City of Savannah, the Howmet Aerospace Foundation, the Howmet Women's Network, the Georgia Southern Business Innovation Group, and Live Oak Public Libraries.

If your corporation or organization is interested in becoming a sponsor or partner of Girls Code Savannah, please email our Executive Director, Lesli Ott, atWe would be honored to highlight your support.

We are currently seeking additional donations, sponsorships, and partnerships. These will allow us to continue to provide coding camps & classes free of charge to Girls Code Savannah attendees and their parents.

We are also seeking corporate donations of laptop computers as well as bulk drinks or snacks.

Finally, we are always looking for partnership around computer-lab or classroom-type donated space in and around Savannah in which to hold future Girls Code Savannah camps and classes.

If your organization or corporation is interested in becoming a Girls Code Savannah donor, sponsor, or partner, please email our Executive Director, Lesli Ott, atWe would be honored to highlight your organization's generous support.

Our Spring & Fall “Saturday Sessions” are currently held at different locations of the Live Oak Public Libraries.

Girls Code Savannah 2023 Summer Camp & 2023 Winter Camp were held in computer science classrooms at the Georgia Southern University-Armstrong Campus in Savannah.

We are always looking for computer-lab or classroom-type donated space in and around Savannah to hold future camps and classes. If your organization is interested in supporting us by donating classroom-type space, please email our Executive Director, Lesli Ott, atWe would be honored to highlight you as a Girls Code Savannah partner.

Dates for our upcoming FREE 2024 Summer Camp will be announced on May 8th. Information can be found at that time on our Upcoming Camps & Classes page.

Or join our email list below to get notified on the day new camps & classes are announced!

For sessions held at a Live Oak Public Library location, we recommend attendees bring a laptop computer if one is available. However, we will have a limited number of laptop computers available on-site for attendees who are unable to bring their own.

For sessions held in a computer lab, desktop computers are made available on-site for all attendees and, therefore, no laptop computers are needed.

If you, your organization, or corporation is interested in donating additional laptop computers so that we are able to ensure all children needing one have access during our sessions, please email our Executive Director, Lesli Ott, atWe would be honored to highlight you as a Girls Code Savannah donor or sponsor.

We teach students real-world coding skills. At our Girls Code Savannah 2023 Summer Camp & 2023 Winter Camp we taught students how to code their own websites using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript coding languages.

During 2024, we will continue teaching website development via HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript as well as introduce returning website coders to the Python programming language.

During our one-day classes, typically held on a Saturday from 11:00am ‐ 1:30pm, we provide drinks and a light snack.

During our week-long camps, typically held from 9am ‐ 2pm each day, we provide lunch as well as drinks and a light snack.

We also highly suggest packing a water bottle and any special snacks your child may prefer.

When registering your child for a Girls Code Savannah session, we will collect information regarding any food allergies or dietary restrictions they may have and incorporate those into our lunch and snack options for that session.

If your organization or corporation is interested in donating bulk drinks or snacks for any of our Girls Code Savannah sessions, please email our Executive Director, Lesli Ott, atWe would be honored to highlight you as a Girls Code Savannah sponsor.

When each new Girls Code Savannah session is announced, we will provide a registration form on the Upcoming Camps & Classes page of our website.

Please email our Executive Director, Lesli Ott, at