Welcome to my website!

Thank you to my parents, instructors, and friends for making this possible!

Remember to live, love, and laugh! 💗 -------- Brought to you by Shloka 😃

About Me

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Greetings, traveller! My name is Shloka, and this is my FIRST WEBSITE!

I have been coding for a while now, and I enjoy quite a bit!

Although this website looks simple, there is a lot of thought and effort that was put into this.

I believe TECH is very important and useful in our world, and in many ways too!

From virtual classes to YOUTUBE, anything can make the world just a little better.

And I would like to add to that!

My favorite color is SAGE GREEN and my favorite animals are PINK FAIRY ARMADILLOS (they're so ugly and so cute at the same time!).

I like rain and my favorite song is NOTION by THE RARE OCCASIONS.

I enjoy the arts (MUSIC, DRAWING, etc.) and I have an interest in anatomy, which is why I wish to pursue a career in the medical field.

I hope you enjoy this simple little website!

Things I Like …

Credits & Tributes

Thank you to my parents for enrolling me in coding classes and encouraging me throughout my journey.

Thank you to Mrs. Pooja who taught and first introduced me to coding.

Thank you to Hour of Code for introducing me to Python and Javascript.

Thank you to Ms. Lesli Ott who taught me CSS, Python, and Javascript while aiding me in the making of this website.

Thank you to Ms. Sheila Nguyen, Ms. Zoe Chow, Ms. Carleysue Mayes, Ms. Virginia Copeland, and Ms. Michelle Ngo for helping me with all of my problems and just being AMAZING people in general.

Thank you to my friends Kashvi, Surabhi, Sanvi, and Ahana for making this Girls Coding Camp less lonely.


And thank YOU for taking the time to read and appreciate this!